The following Pau d’arco brewing instructions tend to be a little stronger than other Taheebo tea recipes I have found online, however, this is the ratio that was recommended to us by several alternative practitioners who use Taheebo tea as part of their cancer and Candida fighting regimens. This is the basic brewing method, you can drink it cold or hot and can add cinnamon, turmeric or lemon to enhance the flavor. Here are more Taheebo tea – Pau d’Arco recipes.
Taheebo Tea Recipe:
1. Measure out 1 quart of clean water and add to a stainless steel or glass pot.
2. Add 3 tablespoons of Pau d’Arco inner bark to water.
3. Bring liquid to a full boil with the lid on the pot
4. Reduce heat to a gentle rolling boil and boil for 25 minutes.
5. Let Cool.
6. Pour through a strainer using a funnel into mason jars, glass bottles, or pitchers. Cap and refrigerate if desired …( refrigeration is optional due to the strong natural anti-bacterial properties present in the tea )
For convenience you can brew larger quantities, for example, you can brew 4 quarts at a time by adding 12 tablespoons of Pau d’Arco to one Gallon of water.
We buy our Pau d’arco from Taheebo Wellness Tea, as far as we can tell, they have the highest quality and best tested Pau d’arco inner bark. You can find out more here:
Recommended articles after reading Pau d’arco brewing instructions: Complimentary cancer therapies
I brew two tablespoon and make 6 cup of water. Drink 3 cup everyday. Do not see any difference in constipation
Reply from Julien:
Hi Anita:
Constipation can have many causes. While Taheebo Tea can help it is important to look at your diet as well as your water intake in addition to the tea. Ideally, you would want to be close to 3 quarts of spring water per day. I would suggest drinking 1 quart of spring water right when you get up before doing or drinking anything else. That has been very helpful in my experience.
Incorporate some Chia, ground flax seeds daily, that’s has helped me tremendously.
For yeast that shows in a live blood analysis would I take perhaps 2tbsp to 6 cups of water? And how long would it be safe to continue taking this for?
Thank you
Hi Debbie,
I would suggest brewing Taheebo with the proportions on the pouch 3tbsp per 4 cups of water and add an extra cup to make up for any loss during the 25 min rolling boil. After that you may want to start with one cup of tea per day and work up to 5-6 cups per day. You may experience some die off symptoms such as bloating or temporary loose stool. If that is the case go back down to one cup per day for a few days and build back up to 5-6 cups. I would suggest doing 1 month on and 3-4 days off then starting again for several cycles.