This is the basic daily cancer recovery schedule I practiced with all the complementary cancer therapies I used. I shifted it as needed based on appointments, activities as well as our basic energy levels on that specific day.
This was my recovery schedule outside of my weeks of Chemotherapy treatments. I was in the hospital for a week for treatments and at home for 2 weeks. This is what I followed after being home for 2-3 days. I did not do coffee enemas or drink Taheebo Tea during my treatments as I did not want to minimize the effectiveness of the treatment I was receiving.
- Wake up and drink 1-quart spring water
- I did not do this at the time but I would now add 6-8oz of Redox Liquid(*)
- Sauna 15 – 45 min & listen to Abraham Hicks Health Meditation
- Coffee enema followed by ozone insufflation
- Get up and start making polenta while drinking cup #1&2 of Taheebo tea
- Breakfast:
- Breakfast Polenta
- Digest – sit outside in the sun if possible or in bed
- Late morning Sauna 15 – 30 min
- Coffee enema
- Rest & Taheebo tea cup #3&4
- Lunch
- Rest go for a short walk, watch a funny movie etc…
- Late afternoon Sauna 15 – 30 min
- Coffee enema
- Redox liquid 6-8oz(*)
- Shower
- Rest & Taheebo tea cup #5&6
- Dinner
An added benefit I have introduced into my daily cancer recovery schedule is a period of 12 or more hours of fasting. This is easily done at night. Let’s say you finish your dinner at 8pm, you would want to make sure to wait until 8:30 or 9am before having breakfast. These daily fasting sessions are an excellent way to support your digestive system, balance out blood sugar and at the same time kill off cancer cells.
(*) I recently learned of a new technology that stabilizes Redox signaling molecules in a liquid supplement. This injection of Redox molecules helps to turn on our body’s natural cell signaling which leads to big boosts in recovery and healing. We naturally make Redox molecules, however, after puberty we start to make less and less (about 10% less per decade) So by the time we are 50 we have half the molecules we have in our youth. I am using the supplement daily and seeing amazing changes, had I known about it a few years ago, I would have been taking it daily even during my treatments. Contact me for more details and ways to order.
Recommended articles after reading the daily cancer recovery schedule:
My cancer story | Essential Cancer Resources